Swahili translator

Swahili translator

Thursday 17 December 2015

Attitude_Your Personal Environment

"Your  thoughts are shaped by the people you associate with,by the book you read,by the words you speak and by your daily physical surroundings.“
-Robin Sharma

By Henry Kazula,

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Our behaviour and how we become successful in life is mostly influenced by how we think and the action we take about what happens to us. As it was noted by Jim Rohn that; It’s not what happens that determines your life’s future. It’s what you do about what happens." Having a right attitude about our decision from what is happening in our life shape our behavior.

What we think and believe to be real becomes the reality of who we are. Our thinking with what we believe is highly affected by the environment we create from what happens. 

Robin Sharma once highlighted; “Your  thoughts are shaped by the people you associate with,by the book you read,by the words you speak and by your daily physical surroundings.“ The same to individual personal environment, as it involves your interaction with the surroundings and response you give from what is happening. 

In connecting the understanding from the Buddha belief and thinking;  “we are what we think.“ i.e our thinking has great impact to our life. So, mind what influence your thinking; is it manipulative or inspiring?

We have been influenced by people within our environment.Negative people with negative mouths will encourage you to be in a team. Absolutely, you will never get out of their trap as you would like to be accepted by following their intuition.
Our reading habit and choices of reading affect our thinking.What you fill in your mind every time you read a piece of newspaper,magazine, or a book will be reflected in your thinking ability, behavior and decision you are making in everyday life-as “garbage in, garbage out (GOG) used in computer technology“.

What’s your choice in reading? Are you reading about gossips, love making, killings? If so, you will not be away from what you are reading. I encourage you to rethink about your choices of reading, ask yourself this question; This piece of reading is making me a better person and inspire me to grow everyday?

Do you have or aspiring to have a >42 inches TV set at home to watch violent TV shows and mindless videos? If that is  the case, prepare your mind to grow in that category.That’s a personal environment you have created to interact with while dictating your thought.

Again, have a look to your working environment.Is that encouraging you to work hard and love what you are doing? Unless, take a necessary step to build conducive environment by adapting to the context, make it fit yours without being manipulated.

You have realized that, your personal environment is created the way you respond and interacting with other people and the circumstances. Also, the impact of your interaction with people and the circumstances can makes you a better and serene person or a useless person. Improve your personal environment to attract positive people and good things to happens to you.

Published by Jielimishe Kwanza

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